Restorative Leadership Coaching

Are you committed to wanting to be more relational and restorative in your practice, but are not always sure how to do it?
Are you currently dealing with a bit of a sticky situation and would like some help determining how to take action through a relational, restorative lens and practice?
Do you want to ensure you have the strongest restorative practice possible?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then 1:1 restorative leadership coaching sessions are for you!
What happens in a Restorative Leadership Coaching session?
#1: We attentively listen to your current situation and experience.
#2: We work together to determine your next steps through a relational and restorative lens.
#3: We provide guidance, support and coaching to ensure your success.
Schedule a FREE 40min restorative leadership coaching session now. Please request this session via our contact page.