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Whole School Implementation Coaching

Relational Practices

Want to ensure sustained positive change for your community? 


Allow us to be your partner, guide, and cheerleader. 


Since 2010, we have assisted schools and districts of all shapes and sizes build a solid foundation of high quality relationships among all members of the community and effective responses to conflicts and behavioral needs through a restorative lens and approach. 


Our team works with schools, districts and organizations to develop a customized rollout plan that includes all essential elements and frameworks.  We provide the organizational tools (including action plans), resources, and coaching to ensure lasting progress.  


Customized consulting or coaching sessions provide individuals or RP teams with implementation support, strategizing, and thought partnering.


Packages of sessions are available and recommended for optimal support. 


To learn more or request whole school implementation coaching-  fill out our contact form:

We help you design an implementation rollout plan that is :

Relational Practices


Relational Practices


Relational Practices


Relational Practices


Relational Practices

Grounded in implementation science

What are the Essential Elements of Whole School Implementation?
Image by Kenny Eliason

What are the Essential Elements of Whole School Implementation?

Implementation Preparation:

Prior to launching implementation, taking the time to engage community stakeholders in strategic planning and selecting a rollout strategy that best meets the needs of the community. Facilitating needs and implementation readiness assessments, outreach to community stakeholders, introducing components of whole-school implementation and working with the site team to prepare for the launch utilizing implementation frameworks.


Implementation Team

A representative team of key school community members committed to building the strongest school environment possible.  This team takes a leadership role in guiding the implementation rollout across the school community.


Professional Development & Trainings

Professional development opportunities encompass a multi-modal, experiential training delivery approach that strives to meet the unique learning needs of all participants while offering a careful balance of theory, practice and skill building. Participants will experience a variety of large and small group dialogue, interactive activities and simulation exercises. A variety of training techniques such as role-playing, silent reflections, group brainstorming, scenario application, and cycle of inquiry is utilized.


Implementation Support & Sustainability

Coaching:  A critical component of successful school climate implementation rests with the coaching support and strength of the Implementation Team or external specialists to help reinforce, support and sustain the implementation across school sites.


Internal Capacity Building


Trainers of Trainers:

Identifying a core group of individuals for internal capacity building to provide professional development (trainings, workshops and presentations), coaching supports, progress monitoring/data collection and implementation planning at a local level to ensure a sustainable effort over time.


Administrator Leadership:

District and school-site leadership to ensure clear, consistent messaging and modeling of mindset, practices, and systems building across the school community and community partnerships.


Student Engagement & Leadership:

Youth leadership is essential to successful school climate initiatives in schools. It is highly recommended to establish student-led groups or classes include students in collaborative decision-making and offer ample opportunities for students to design, take ownership of their learning experience, and participate in development of peer-led RP processes and activities.


Family & Community Engagement & Leadership :

Family members and guardians play an integral role in the success of any climate initiative. Engaging parents and guardians as contributing members of the school community early in the implementation rollout results in a partnership between school/district and family community to co-create a positive and caring school environment to support the learning and wellness of the youth. Actions are taken to build authentic relationships, form partnerships and include parents in the process when higher levels behavior responses may be required.


Assessment and Accountability:

Monitoring the impact of school climate practices and systems on individual students and the general school environment. Identifying strengths and areas for improvement and implementation fidelity data.


Relational Practices

What is Implementation Science?

What is Implementation Science?

Research-based Implementation Science provides a useful model and structure to ensure all the essential elements required for a successful restorative school change effort are considered and incorporated into the plan.


The implementation phases consist of:

1. Exploration

2. Installation

3. Initial Implementation

4. Full Implementation

Relational Practices

What is a Multi-Tiered System Framework?

What is a Multi-Tiered System Framework?

A Multiple Tiered System framework (MTSS) is a proactive, prevention-based approach that allows schools to highlight and reinforce the importance of establishing a positive environment for all members of the school community and more systematically deliver needed supports, interventions, and disciplinary responses to the students as needed. A MTSS model embeds an inclusive culture of reciprocal relationships and shared responsibility, and emphasizes the use of evidence-based practices to enhance the academic and behavioral performance of all students. This intentional effort to build a strong community as well as the emphasis on early identification and intervention helps to reach students in a preventative rather than reactive mode. (Lynass, L, 2015).


The MTSS framework is typically presented as a triangle divided into three tiers of practice and intervention responses.  Tier 1, lays the foundation of school-wide and classroom universal practices that are intended for all students (and adults in a whole school model). Tier 1 Restorative Practices encompass a set of relational and problem-solving strategies that affirm trusting relationships and provide opportunities for social emotional learning and empathy development. The underlying premise of the MTSS framework is that when a strong school culture is established as a foundation for all students approximately 85% of student needs will be met.


While Tier 1 will meet the relational and behavioral needs of most students across the school, some students will require more targeted interventions and disciplinary responses at the Tier 2 and 3 levels. Therefore, an additional set of restorative practices is available for use at Tier 2 and 3 level and involves a more formal response to behavior infractions and harm through the use of small groups and individualized behavior supports.

Relational Practices
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